Frequently Asked Questions


Why should a private company manage this kind of information instead of health authorities?

The main concern of the health authorities will be supervising the large scale vaccination, so it is likely that they will not focus their efforts on creating an internation certification system.

Why should a Swiss-based company manage a global service?

Switzerland offers one of the best legal frameworks for sensitive data privacy. This is among the reason why the country hosts many businesses dealing with very sensitive information: for example, finance institutions and healthcare companies.

What kind of expertise does SafeWorld™ offer in this area?

The service offered by SafeWorld™ is a solution to a completely new global need. However, we come from several years of experience in providing and managing sensitive data, during which our team acquired the optimal ITC, legal and management skills to provide the best service for this new challenge.

Why do I need a verification from a health professional for the subscription?

Safety is the main goal of our service. The verification from a health professional allow us to provide reliable and trustworthy information on vaccination records.

Everything is free on the net. Why do I have to pay for this service?

Whenever a valuable service is offered free of charge, most likely the supplier is going to make a profit selling your personal data. Instead, we will not sell or share your data, we will never cross-reference your data with other sources. The small contribution of 1 US$ allows us to make your best interests without compromising on the quality of the service.

How exactly will companies use these data?

A limited number of companies will be able to use these data to verify the vaccination status of their customers, allowing them to improve the safety of their operations and to offer specific deals to vaccinated customers. For example, when booking a flight, making a reservation to a hotel or a retaurant the company offering the service will be allowed to verify your vaccination status.

How much does the Digital Vaccination Passport costs?

Subiscribing to SafeWorld™ requires a one time payment of 1US$ (1EUR for subcribers from Europe, or 1CHF for subscribers from Switerland). In addition to this small fee, that allows us to provide a good service in terms of privacy and security, the pharmacy may decide to charge the customer for the verification of the vaccination certificate.